Vaccination And Nutrition … When To Say No To Your Vet

Say no to your vet
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Do you trust your dog’s veterinarian and do everything she recommends?

Veterinarians are experts. They have years of training in animal medicine. But some of that training may not be in your dog’s best interest.

So … sometimes it’s best to choose other options for your dog’s healthcare.

And that means … once in a while, you need to say “no, thank you” to your vet’s advice.

I learned this myself … the hard way.

It Happened To My Dog

I fell in love with Great Danes as a child. Once I laid eyes on them, I knew this was my breed.

When I was 16, I worked at a boarding and breeding kennel, where I repeatedly told the owner that I would own a Dane. And almost 10 years later, on my 25th birthday, I finally got my first Great Dane … a fawn who I named Shane. 

In those days, I did everything my veterinarian recommended.

  • I allowed my vet to give Shane every single scheduled vaccine.
  • I even fed him Pedigree, because the vet said it was great food.

Then my dog – my dream dog – died at three years old from lymphoma

Shane was my teacher dog. He was the one who sent me on the path I’m still on today.

The path of …

… There must be something better out there for our pets.

And of course, there is. And for me, it was small animal nutrition and homeopathy. 

First, I want to talk about vaccines and how they affect your dog’s health. 

The Vaccination Decision

I’ve learned that I don’t have to vaccinate my animals. And that it’s healthier not to!

It’s frustrating and sad to say that most of the cases in my clinic are from over-vaccinating … aka vaccinosis

I always walk back in time with my clients to connect the dots to their dog’s illness. And, more often than not, I still hear that deep exhale when they understand.

There’s that AHA moment of clarity … when the client realizes that their dog’s illness or disease started after receiving a vaccine

Vaccines are not always effective. So you need to ask yourself, “Am I willing to risk the long-term effects of vaccines?”

Here are some things you should consider when you make the choice to vaccinate.

The Long Term Effects Of Vaccines

Some of the long-term effects of vaccination are:

I see these effects in my homeopathy practice every day!

The Efficacy Of Vaccines

And unfortunately, vaccines aren’t always effective.

Here are some things that can interfere with your dog’s vaccine response.

Your dog …

  • Is sick
  • Is too old
  • Is too young
  • Is weak or malnourished (think of a rescue dog)
  • Has a chronic disease
  • Is about to have (or just had) surgery

In these situations, your dog’s vaccine may not protect him against disease.

Rabies – The Most Harmful Vaccine

Vaccinosis can occur after any vaccine … but the one I see do the most damage is the rabies vaccine. 

Here’s an excerpt from a vaccine warning by one of the leading rabies manufacturers:

“As with many vaccines, anaphylaxis may occur after use. Initial antidote of epinephrine is recommended and should be followed with appropriate supportive therapy. This product has been shown to be efficacious in healthy animals. A protective immune response may not be elicited if animals are incubating an infectious disease, are malnourished or parasitized, are stressed due to shipment or environmental conditions, are otherwise immunocompromised, or the vaccine is not administered in accordance with label directions.” 

Reading this warning reminds me of most of the dogs I’ve supported with homeopathy in my practice.

These dogs have had vaccines one or more times. And I can confidently say all were not healthy when vaccinated. 

Only Vaccinate Healthy Animals

Here’s another story about my own dogs (before I learned about homeopathy). It show what happens when vets ignore guidelines to only vaccinate healthy animals. 

I imported a Great Dane from Poland; her name was Gerti. She had her puppy shots before coming to me. When she was a little older, I took her and another female to the vet to have their hips x-rayed.

But the vet wouldn’t take the x-rays unless both girls had their rabies vaccine.

I felt pressured. So I did it … thinking that Gerti only had her puppy shots and my other female was never vaccinated.

How much harm could come from it? 

A few days later, both girls were very aggressive towards each other. They started to fight.

At the time, I thought just thought the two females weren’t getting along. I never linked it to the rabies vaccine until Gerti began to feel ill.

Reaction To Vaccines

She had a fever, and her tail appeared to be sloughing away. I was only beginning to learn about homeopathy and consulted a homeopathic vet. He determined Gerti had vaccinosis from the rabies vaccine. He began to treat her with homeopathy.

Every day her condition changed. Her temperature told us she was fighting off something that invaded her body. I provided my homeopathic vet with daily updates, including pictures. And eventually, Gerti’s tail sloughed entirely off … she was left with a four-inch stub. 

At the time, I owned an all-natural pet supply store and grooming shop on Cape Cod.

One day a client came in with her Golden Retriever. Her tail appeared amputated since the last time I had seen her.

The owner said it was the funniest thing … her tail looked like it was rotting off shortly after I had her vaccinated.

After we compared notes, we discovered that we went to the same vet. Like Gerti, her girl had the rabies vaccine at her last visit! 

Other Symptoms Of Vaccinosis

In my practice, I’ve seen autism-like symptoms in dogs who’ve had the rabies vaccine.

  • They become despondent
  • They lose eye contact
  • They’re no longer affectionate
  • They develop anxieties and fears – usually around water

Some dogs become aggressive after the rabies vaccine. Others self-mutilate and chew one spot of their leg. Some dogs rip out their fur.

Other dogs present with chronic illness, like …

… And these are all linked to vaccinosis.

You Can Say No To Vaccines

Do you realize that you can refuse most vaccines? Only rabies is required by law … And I’ll give my views on rabies law in a minute.

If you feel insecure and don’t want to tell your vet you don’t want certain vaccinations for your dog … ask for the packet insert and schedule another time to come back.

Explain that you want to make an informed decision. 

You are the caregiver and the voice for your dog. Don’t let anyone bully you into vaccinations. If you feel intimidated … then you need to find another vet. 

Follow The Money

Vaccines are very profitable in a veterinary clinic.

On average, a vaccine can cost 60-95 cents per dose. But the vet charges the client $15-$25 per injection. It’s no wonder veterinarians want to push vaccines onto their patients! 

The enforcement of rabies vaccinations benefit local governments as well. It enriches the public treasury with fees and tags … plus fines for people who don’t follow the law. 

So … let’s talk about that law.

Is Rabies A Real Risk?

Let’s be realistic …

  • If your dog is with you all the time
  • Or lives in the city
  • Or even in the country … but doesn’t run around with wildlife that could be a risk for rabies exposure …

… why give this life-threatening vaccine?

It’s a political and economic scam that’s forced onto pet owners who don’t know better … who think that it’s the right thing for their dog.

The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) states:

“From 1960 to 2018, 127 human rabies cases were reported in the United States, with roughly a quarter resulting from dog bites received during international travel. Of the infections acquired in the United States, 70% were attributed to bat exposures.”  

So … we’re forced to compromise our dogs’ health … for fear of the rare possibility the dog might come into contact with a rabid wild animal.

3 Ways Vaccines Cause Your Dog Harm

#1 Vaccines get injected into the bloodstream

This immediately creates chaos in the body. An injection is not a natural way for pathogens to get into the body.

#2 Vaccines contain toxins

… or other foreign substances like aluminum, thimerosal, antibiotics and animal protein.

(Your dog doesn’t metabolize protein the same when it’s injected into the bloodstream.)

#3 Vaccines contain antigens

These substances are there to induce an immune response in the body.

In a killed or inactivated vaccine, the antigens are killed by heat … or toxic disinfectants like formaldehyde. The purpose of these toxins is to prevent contamination by unrelated microorganisms.

Adjuvants like aluminum salts prolong the immune response.

You might think all these make up such small amounts of the vaccine that they don’t matter.

But when they’re injected into the bloodstream … they have detrimental effects on the brain, central nervous system, organs, and cells.

They wreak havoc on your dog’s immunity.

And a far greater risk is autoimmunity. This is an immune response that turns against the body’s own healthy cells and tissues

Consider Your Dog’s Risk

Vets are less likely to vaccinate an older animal. That’s because of little to no exposure to a contagious disease.

In the same way …

… is the young dog who’s always with you, goes out on a leash, or plays in your fenced backyard at risk?

Most conventional vets will say very young dogs are very susceptible to diseases. That their immune system is not mature enough to handle them.

An Unnatural Solution

So then … why is their response to introduce them to several diseases at once. And as early as six weeks of age … in a way that isn’t natural through injection?

Some vets include up to 8 vaccines in one shot! It’s no wonder your puppy’s immune system gets overwhelmed!

When is your puppy ever exposed to more than one disease at the same time? 

So consider every vaccination you choose to give your dog.  Don’t let your vet push you into vaccines you don’t want.  

I can’t tell you to break the rabies vaccine laws. But I can tell you it’s not your veterinarian’s job to enforce them.

You get to make that decision for your dog.

Now, let’s look at what your vet likely knows about nutrition.

RELATED: Why Vets Are Getting Away With Murder

What Vets Know About Nutrition

Dietary factors are the foundation of health.

Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine.” It was in reference to humans … but it’s also true for your dog.

The biggest concern is prescription dog foods. Or as I like to call them, “feedstuff.” Because there is nothing of nutritional value for your dog in those ingredients. 

Prescription dog foods are another huge moneymaker in a busy vet clinic.

Usually, veterinarians learn about nutrition from dog food companies like Hill’s Science Diet. They learn which food to prescribe for which medical condition.

Most vet school nutrition courses have only a few hours to one day’s worth of training. 

Better Food For Your Dog

I took a two-year small animal nutrition program. And it’s my belief that raw is best for your dog. It allows you to feed a variety of whole natural foods.  

Next best is a balanced cooked or prepared diet. 

Poor diets often lead to inflammation and infection because of unbalanced gut flora.

Processed dog food contains salt, sugar, and sprayed-on fats. These aren’t nutritious or beneficial; they’re also addictive. 

Intestinal gut flora is one of the many factors that can help promote health or trigger illness.

If disturbed … your dog’s gut flora can affect the absorption of vital nutrients. This precipitates a chain reaction towards imbalance. 

As a solution to disease, veterinarians are quick to recommend …

 Optimize Your Dog’s Health

When I studied homeopathy, one of my teachers was George Vithoulkas. He’s one of the world’s leading homeopaths. And here’s what Professor Vithoulkas said about vaccination.

“The experience of astute homeopathic observers has shown conclusively that a high percentage of cases, vaccination has a profoundly disturbing effect on the health of an individual, particularly in relation to chronic disease.”  

Homeopaths are trained to …

  • Look for the root of the problem
  • Avoid harmful substances
  • Only look for safe, effective treatment methods

Our goal is to build and improve the compromised immune system … all while bringing balance back to your dog. 


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